Wednesday 6 February 2013



The beauty of the Snugglebundl baby lifting baby blanket, like all good ideas, is that it is incredibly simple. It was originally conceived and designed for parents and carers to reducethe amount of bending and stooping to pick up, lay down or move their babies.

The reduced strain on the body, when using the Snugglebundl baby blanket , means that mums who need to recover from post birth difficulties will find this product very helpful. Indeed any parent or carer who wants to take the strain out of their back will benefit from using the unique Snugglebundl lift and lay baby blanket. Grandparents and elderly carers especially love it for its ease of use and safety.

How it works

The Snugglebundl baby blanket works in a similar way to a hammock, pulling up around the baby to support the head, neck and spine and the padded hood carefully protects the baby's crown. The extra strength support handles mean that you can safely and securely lift up or placedown your baby with just one hand!

No more need to support the back of the neck whilst lifting or laying- which means your baby stays asleep! The Snugglebundl baby blanket will fit into car seats, prams, pushchairs, cots, cribs and carrycots. It provides a readily available warm and soft surface to lay your baby down anywhere. And, if your baby wants a nap, it can then be used to wrap around, like a papoose with a little tie on the side to prevent it from being kicked open.

If they are asleep and you need to move them you will find that picking up is so easy and the snugness, warmth and comfort of the Snugglebundl baby blanket means they stay asleep when moving them from one place to another. This is what makes it so unique from any other product on the market and why it could well be one of the best and most useful baby products you will ever own. As one mum put it, "When you have been kept awake all night, then keeping your baby asleep when lifting or laying them is priceless!"


The Snugglebundl Journey

The idea for the Snugglebundl baby lifting baby blanket came from necessity for David Solomons when his daughter was first born. His wife Suzi had some serious complications during the birth, which resulted in her being very limited in her movement and unable to bend or lift without extreme discomfort. At the same time David's back problem meant that he struggled to bend and lift as well!

Between the two of them they found lifting up, laying down and manoeuvring their new baby in and out of pushchairs and car seats extremely awkward. To help the problem David would lay his daughter on a blanket and gather it up in a bundle around her and then simply pick her up! That was for him the "Eureka" moment. And from that point he began to think about the concept of a safe lifting blanket for babies. In the new year of 2011 he teamed up with Mike Edwards, his good friend, neighbour, fellow father and fellow designer and his lovely, ever-optimistic, enthusiastic and hard-working wife Heidi, Together they worked out the best way to fully support the baby's head and neck and safely protect the crown.

The strength of the handles was of course paramount, but it also had to look good and be functional and durable too. In the months that followed they made hundreds of prototypes in different sizes, lengths and materials. They gathered a team of new parents to trial these, and from those results the Snugglebundl baby-lifting baby blanket was finally born (Called the Bundl for short!). They knew we had it right when the mums testing them refused to give them up! From this one idea they decided to start our own innovative baby product company, which was lovingly called Snugglebundl after their unique blanket.

How to use the amazing Snugglebundl baby lifting baby blanket Wrapping your baby in the Snugglebundl

1. Roll the hood back before laying your baby centrally on the Snugglebundl(BUNDL) baby blanket. Note - Always lay your baby on its back and never in the prone position when using the BUNDL
2. Fold any excess material over your baby's feet if required.
3. Wrap your baby by folding the left side over the right and tying the ribbon through the top handle.
4. The hood should always be rolled back when the baby is horizontal in the BUNDL. Also roll and fold the material away from the face. Note - Always ensure that your baby is not to hot when fully wrapped. Adjust accordingly to the surrounding conditions and temperatures. Always ensure you can see your baby's face.

Placing your baby in a car seat in the Snugglebundl Baby blanket

1. With your baby in the Snugglebundl gently place them into the car seat and open the blanket up.
2. Pull bottom strap between legs creating pockets with the blanket for the feet or alternatively just tuck the blanket under their legs . Pull the shoulder straps over and lock in place. Ensure that straps are done up to the correct tightness...
3. If required the blanket can be folded back over the baby for extra warmth.
4. If weather is hot then simply tuck the BUNDL under the legs and leave open. The hood can also be folded back.

Lifting and laying your baby on the Snugglebundl baby blanket

1. Lay your baby face up in the centre of the blanket with their head into the hood. Any excess blanket at the foot end can either be folded over their feet or under them or just left loose.
2. Bring reinforced handles together and with a firm grip gently lift your baby up.
3. Transfer your baby to your arms.
4. Always lay your baby down gently in the BUNDL.
5. It is recommended to put your baby down on soft surfaces for added comfort.

No more leaning over & back pains - Enjoy!


The Snugglebundl baby blanket can be used to rock your baby with either the handles together or with the BUNDL open so you can maintain eye contact. If they are feeling tired it won't take them long to drift to sleep, leaving you the easy job of simply laying them straight down already cosy and secure in their beautiful snuggly soft Snugglebundl blanket.

Click to watch this video on the Snugglebundl to learn more!

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