Monday 4 February 2013


Just Bambinos Newsletter

February 2012

Volume 1, Number 3

Welcome to the third edition of the Just Bambinos newsletter. Hope you have had a good start to the new year and looking forward to the year ahead.

Feature Product

Happy Hopperz are colourful inflatable bouncers based on the classic space hopper. They are all in the shape of animals and have ears and horns for your little one to grip onto while the cleverly designed feet keep a steady bounce.
The toy is perfect for encouraging play and development and teaching your child balance and co-ordination whilst having hours of fun, you'll find it hard to get them off them.
The Happy Hopperz are the perfect gift for a toddler. A major feature is that as they are inflatable they can be easily deflated enabling you to take them with you when staying with family or friends or when going on your hols!
Click link below to watch a video of the Happy Hopper in action.

Midwifery Matters
Everyone knows breast is best but do you know the reasons why. For information about this topic Click link:

Midwifery Myths
You shouldn't use the steam room or sauna during pregnancy?
This is true. In fact you should avoid anything that raises your body temperature above 102 degrees.

Competition News

Thanks to all who entered our competition last month to win a pair of Lammy Slippers. We had a tremendous response. Congratulations to our winner:- Ms Jill Osborne of Cornwall
This month's competition is for the chance to win the fabulous Stainless Steel Feeding Bottle from GreenKid Stainless.
It comes in "Big Apple Green" and holds 150ml/5oz. It also comes complete with a silicone "sippy cup teat" for converting bottles to cups.
Click to read more:
To enter the competition, just "like" our Facebook page. What could be easier?
The winner will be drawn at random on 28th February. Good luck!
 Promotional Offer

We are currently having a sale offer of up to 50% off our Happy Horse cuddly toy range.

Live Chat On Our Website
If you need any advice on your pregnancy or newborn please be aware that we offer a 'Live Chat' facility on our website.
You will be given up to date and research based advice from Mandy - your online midwife.
Just click on the icon at the top our home page most weekdays from 8pm
Innovative Product

Take a look at the latest product on our website:- The My Buddy Buggy Lock:


Click link to read more about this product
Keep checking our website, facebook and twitter feeds for news of these products.
Finally, We would like thank you for your custom and interest with Just Bambinos.

Best wishes

Mandy & Ian

Just Bambinos Ltd

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